Raining, raining, raining. At least that funky bin juice smell is getting washed away. I do find it extraordinary that bags of rubbish are just left on the sidewalk for the garbo’s to pick up.
But the downside is that I couldn’t take any photos today. I did a tour of Brooklyn and I couldn’t take one photo. Brooklyn looks different. It still has a village feel about it and the best part has to be the view across the river of the Manhattan skyline. It does look impressive.
There is a prison in Brooklyn that has just been re-opened. It looks like an office block. The ground floor is commercial space that is going to be leased but not to the following businesses.
- Gun Shop
- Hardware Shop
- Locksmith
- Bakery
The first three are obvious but you can’t open a bakery for fear of baking knifes and keys into breads.
I’m not making this up people.
With all this rain and no umbrella I walked around the Financial District because it’s easy to duck in and out of buildings. I came across the bull that symbolizes Wall Street and people were just gagging to have their photo taken with it.
I stood in front of the New York Stock Exchange, which had a massive US flag draped in front of it. Even though the buildings look familiar there was no ‘oh wow, here I am on Wall Street’ moment.
It was the same when I came across Tiffany’s.
But later in the day when I was on the subway at Union Square and I saw the Q train that goes to Coney Island a smile crept across my face. I love the movie The Warriors. The Warriors were trying to get a train to Coney Island from Union Square because they were being chased. I think I’m going to have to visit Coney Island.
Let’s backtrack a minute though. So standing in Wall Street didn’t do it for me. I walked over to ground zero and maybe it was the rain or the construction that is taking place but I couldn’t get a good look.
But looking around the tight streets around Ground Zero I wondered where all the debris went. I mean buildings around it must be have buried. I saw some photos of buildings next to Ground Zero whose windows were all shattered and I just still couldn’t believe this had happened.
I braved the rain and I walked around the site and got a scope of the size of the area. It is huge.
But the eeriest part of all, a plane flew overhead and I looked up. And that was when the emotion hit me. It freaked me out. My heart raced and I just wanted to get out of there. Crazy, crazy stuff people.
Last night, I went for dinner with some other bloggers down in Greenwhich Village. At the french restaurant, Tartine. The Village at night is cool. On a summer’s evening it is even better.
Brownstones and treelined streets. Very pretty.
Picked up a cupcake at Magnolia Bakery at 11pm on a Wednesday night.

I can see why Clover Moore wants to turn Sydney into a 24-hour city.
nice blog