IT’S REPORT TIME; FOR ME! July 11, 2011April 10, 2012Maria 5 At the end of the last school term as always school reports were sent home. My 5 year old, Christian, who just started [...]
UNLOCK THE SECRETS TO PARENTING July 7, 2011April 10, 2012Maria 7 It occurred to me today that, try as we might, we will never unlock the secrets to successful parenting. Successful; it’s the key [...]
WHOSE TIMETABLE ARE YOU RUNNING TO ANYWAY? June 28, 2011April 10, 2012Maria 8 If I look at our family’s weekly timetable I could easily get depressed. You know what I mean; training, dance lessons, music lessons, [...]
PERFORMING KIDS MAKE ME LOOK BAD June 9, 2011April 11, 2012Maria 5 Last year my daughter performed in the Inner West Performance extravaganza, spectacular, eisteddfod whatever you want to call it. It was a group [...]
SMALLEST FEET, BIGGEST SHOES May 27, 2011April 11, 2012Maria Comment A friend of mine recently put up on her Facebook status that she may have the smallest feet in the house but she [...]
MOTHER’S LOVE. MOTHER’S GUILT. April 28, 2011April 10, 2012Maria 6 On Tuesday in the middle of the Museum of Contemporary Art where hundreds of people were viewing the Annie Liebovitz exhibition, I dropped [...]