HOME BIRTH VS HOSPITAL BIRTH: IT’S ALL ABOUT HAVING A BABY July 16, 2010April 10, 2012Maria 13 Last week Danni Minogue gave birth to her first child. Her planned home-birth went awry and Ms Minogue was transferred to a hospital [...]
WOOLWORTHS WANT TO SELL MORE CONFECTIONARY – REALLY? July 14, 2010April 10, 2012Maria Comment So today I read that Woolworths has confirmed it will configure the checkouts in about half of its 820 stores to increase the [...]
JULIA GILLARD: PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA June 24, 2010April 10, 2012Maria 13 It was announced this morning that Australia has its first woman Prime Minister; Julia Gillard. I tweeted that politics aside, I like the [...]
WHY DO I COMPLICATE THINGS? June 10, 2010April 10, 2012Maria Comment My daughter is starting to get very curious about the world around her. She is beginning to realize that there is so much [...]
WHO LOVES YOU BABY? May 26, 2010April 10, 2012Maria 1 A good friend recently asked me how you can split your love between 2 children. Can you love a second child as much [...]
PARENTING: A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD May 18, 2010April 10, 2012Maria 1 Okay this is an old post from my other blog. But it’s a sentiment that still rings true. This morning I saw my [...]