UNLOCK THE SECRETS TO PARENTING July 7, 2011April 10, 2012Maria 7 It occurred to me today that, try as we might, we will never unlock the secrets to successful parenting. Successful; it’s the key [...]
WHO AM I? WHO ARE YOU? June 20, 2011April 11, 2012Maria 10 Who are you? Who, who? Who, who? I really wanna know. (The Who) Kevin Lomax: What are you? John Milton: Oh, I [...]
PERFORMING KIDS MAKE ME LOOK BAD June 9, 2011April 11, 2012Maria 5 Last year my daughter performed in the Inner West Performance extravaganza, spectacular, eisteddfod whatever you want to call it. It was a group [...]
WE ARE THE SUM OF OUR TOTAL PARTS June 7, 2011April 11, 2012Maria 8 Annie from Life and Dandelions posted on the weekend about her the heartache she felt for her boys when she and her husband [...]
THE GOOD DEED June 1, 2011April 11, 2012Maria 4 Recently I ventured into my local Borders and came across a bargain of a book. For $1.95 “The Good Deed Guide – Simple [...]
WOULD YOU DO YEAR 12 AGAIN? May 30, 2011January 18, 2013Maria 11 My 20-year high school reunion in coming up in a couple of weeks and of course we ask the usual questions. Will we [...]