AND THEN THE LITTLEST ONE TURNED 3 October 19, 2012October 19, 2012Maria 9 Right about now 3 years ago I was in labour; hunched over a bed, breathing deeply and “doing really well”. If I close [...]
NEW YORK DAYS 10 & 11 August 10, 2012Maria 1 Yesterday I wanted to tackle Nolita, Little Italy and Soho. But I was convinced that a slight detour to the Lower East Village [...]
NEW YORK DAYS 8 & 9 August 10, 2012Maria Comment I went back Downtown to tackle the Greenwich Village, East Village. Both these villages are a little more gritty than West Village. Now [...]
NEW YORK DAY 7 August 9, 2012Maria Comment After two days of conferencing I was ready to get back out of the hotel and out onto the streets. Today I tackled [...]
NEW YORK DAY 4 August 7, 2012Maria Comment Today was the first walking, and I mean walking all day. I walked at least 80 blocks, including Avenue blocks that are longer [...]
NEW YORK DAY 3 August 3, 2012Maria 1 Raining, raining, raining. At least that funky bin juice smell is getting washed away. I do find it extraordinary that bags of rubbish [...]