NEW YORK DAY 2 August 3, 2012August 3, 2012Maria Comment So Mr M informed me of some typo’s in yesterday’s post. If you saw them, just give me a little of a break. [...]
NEW YORK DAY 1 August 1, 2012Maria 1 Today I am in New York City. After Sydney traffic did it’s level best to scare the crap out of me with cherry [...]
HARDEST FRIENDSHIPS TEACH YOU MORE July 12, 2012July 12, 2012Maria Comment I got a phonecall from an old friend today. It was honestly great to hear her voice. She sounded fantastic. But she hasn’t [...]
DUMB, DRUNK & RACIST EP 2 – AUSTRALIAN PROTECTIONIST PARTY June 28, 2012Maria 4 Those of you who watched Wednesday night’s episode of Joe Hildebrand’s Dumb, Drunk and Racist who would have seen the Australian Protectionist Party [...]
101 THINGS ABOUT ME January 17, 2012March 10, 2016Maria 20 1. This actually isn’t my 101st post. I wrote a whole bunch on my other Mum’s Word blog that I started in 2006. [...]
BIG 4 LAKE MACQUARIE December 24, 2011April 2, 2012Maria Comment A few months ago Caroline (@Big4LakeMac) who works at the Big 4 Lake Macquarie Monterey Tourist Park contacts me through twitter and says [...]