DIGITAL PARENTS CONFERENCE 2012 October 3, 2011April 3, 2012Maria 15 So by now you’re all aware that the Digital Parents Conference 2012 site went live today….TODAY!!!! Which means by now you would all [...]
NEWS THIS WEEK 1 AUGUST 2011 August 2, 2011April 3, 2012Maria 2 Over the weekend a major blogging conference took place in Melbourne; The Nuffnang Blogopolis Conference 2011 And a Blogger’s Brunch organized by Christie [...]
THE TUNNEL June 24, 2011April 2, 2012Maria 7 Mr M has recently released his first feature film The Tunnel. He is co-writer and co-producer of this film. Watch it. But this [...]
FORGIVE ME BLOG, FOR I HAVE SINNED November 29, 2010April 10, 2012Maria 2 It has been 60-61 days since my last post. I wish I could give you some fantastical reason why I’ve neglected you but [...]
This is the new Mum’s Word May 2, 2010April 3, 2012Maria Comment Hello all, Welcome to my new blog. Same name, same musings but new home. I started Mum’s Word in November 2006 so I [...]
HATS OFF TO THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE March 16, 2009April 10, 2012Maria 6 Over the last couple of weeks I have been watching parliamentary question time on ABC. I’m not altogether sure I gain any clarity [...]